According to Wicki...
"In the 8th century BC, the Ancient Greeks wore socks from matted animal hair for warmth. The Romans also wrapped their feet with leather or woven fabrics. By the 5th century AD, socks called "puttees" were worn by holy people in Europe to symbolise purity. By 1000 AD, socks became a symbol of wealth among the nobility."
WOW! Isn't that interesting?!
At Socks 2 Be You we want you find your personality with the socks you wear everyday! And we strongly believe (yes, we are bias!) that our sock line ups offer something for everyone - from "The Boss" Sock, filled with stripes that match almost anything you wear, to our All American Sock - "Freedom Hill" and even our Athletic "Air Dog" for those who want simplicity and style!
Socks 2 Be You wants to hear which one is your favorite!
And for those of you want to know where to get Socks 2 Be You....
You still have time to get some of the original Socks 2 Be You Line by following our Socks 2 Be You Kickstarter link and pledging your support now by CLICKING HERE!
Plus! Your pledge is a great opportunity to give back too - with our Pair 2 Pair Policy - which states with every pair of socks pledged, Socks 2 Be You will give another pair of socks to those in need through Hannah's Socks!
I get so many compliments whenever I wear them..and it doesn't matter which ones I have on either...they are so much fun and colorful. But, if I had to choose, my favorite pair is The Boss